Il 27 e 28 marzo 2013 si è tenuto il Fifth Workshop on the Philosophy of Information organizzato dalla Society for the Philosophy of Information.

Recentemente sono stati resi disponibili gli abstracts degli interventi tra i quali uno – Towards a Philosophy of Information Security del prof. David J. Pym – sembra essere una lettura parecchio interessante per tutti coloro che si occupano di informazioni e di sicurezza delle informazioni (e pertanto non necessariamente di sicurezza informatica) nell’ambito degli studi di intelligence.

In un settore infatti dove troppo spesso il concetto di protezione e sicurezza “dell’informazione” è sinonimo di “protezione tecnologica” dei sistemi che ospitano e gestiscono l’informazione può essere molto interessante e utile riflettere su questo punto di vista. Riporto di seguito alcuni stralci dell’abstract che mi sono sembrati particolarmente significativi (il grassetto e il sottolineato sono aggiunti):

Sul “cosa” proteggere dell’informazione

“Information security is concerned with the protection of the attributes of items of information that are of value to the owners, users, and stewards of that information and of the systems that process information and those systems.”

Riservatezza, integrità, disponibilità dell’informazione

“The attributes of interest in information security can usefully be categorized as confidentiality, integrity, and availability (often referred to as `CIA’). Confidentiality is concerned with the degree of exposure of information to its environment. Integrity is concerned with the degree of accuracy of the information. Availability is concerned with the degree of accessibility of the information. All of these attributes have both spatial and temporal aspects.”

Information security Vs. cyber-security…

“Information security often slightly carelessly conflated with `cyber-security’ has developed as an engineering discipline within informatics. It also deep connections with logic and, in recent years, has benefitted greatly from the perspectives provided by sociology, psychology, and economics. The concepts of information can also usefully be applied to other security situations, when considered from the perspective of information flow.”

Sulla necessità di indagare la natura dell’informazione e le sue prassi

“…we take the philosophy of information to be concerned with ‘(a) the critical investigation of the conceptual nature and basic principles of information, including its dynamics, utilization and sciences; and (b) the elaboration and application of information-theoretic and computational methodologies to philosophical problems‘, then it seems clear from the preceding discussion that considering explicitly the philosophy of information security raises a number of issueswithin the philosophy of information itself and identifies a number of points of contact with concepts from logic, economics, and socio-technical aspects of systems engineering.”

Buona lettura.